Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Views From The Closet

I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever be able to come out to my parents. The right moment seems like it will never come. There’s always something going on with my parents – one or both of them – that signals that today is not the day. I want to make it as easiest as possible for them (and me), so I want to avoid times when they’re really stressed out. But that’s all the time, every fucking day.

I’m still unsure how it will go. I’m the more happy-go-luck of their two children. Even though I can be a sarcastic bitch at times, I can generally get them to smile and laugh. I seem to have a way of lightening the mood. I’m hoping this helps and that I can use it to make things go more smoothly. If things drift into an argument (which I can see happening), I’m armed and ready for that. I have plenty of experience from the many arguments (heated debates sounds better doesn’t it?) that my dad and I have engaged in. He knows I’m good at it and can usually leave him speechless. I have a way of dusting off old hypocritical things my dad has said to use against him in an argument. It’s very effective. They don’t give me enough credit.

I just hope it goes well whenever it happens. I hope it doesn’t have any foul consequences due to me revealing a part of myself to them that I never have before. If anything, they should be proud I’m telling them and be proud of the son they raised no matter who he is attracted to. I think I turned out pretty good. I’m a nice, respectful guy. I’m considerate of others. I’m smart. I’m fairly confident and have set goals for my life. I’m just a regular human being who just happens to be gay.


Jeremy in Austin said...

Well I wish you all the best. Not know much about your parents I haven't really an advice to offer, however, I will tell you that my parents were totally fine with it. It was sort of a complete non-issue with them. But I know that this may be the luck of the draw since my parents are pretty open minded and understanding.

SlyD said...

Thanks! My parents are understanding but not very open-minded (and it's been hard overcoming the influences of that on me too). They're very conservative in many of their views (see religious right). I'm actually hoping that me being gay will help open their eyes to the world and not be so quick to condemn other people.

I don't know how they will react though, but I'm getting to the point where I honestly don't care how they react.

Jeremy in Austin said...

Good for you. How old are you?

SlyD said...

I'm 19. I'm almost to the point of telling my parents. I had planned to do it two days ago but it just wasn't the right time. By the way, thanks for stopping by and reading my blog!

Jeremy in Austin said...

I came out at 19 too :)

Jeremy in Austin said...

Hey... are you on myspace? if so check out my page:

SlyD said...

I created a page a long time ago but never did anything with it. I'll have to see if I can find the password to it. I'll post back here to let you know if I find it. If I can't, I may just start a new one.

SlyD said...

Hey I found my old account and added you as a friend on myspace. I still haven't done anything with it, but I'll try to update it one day.