Thursday, December 07, 2006

Moving N

I miss understood N the other day. She’s leaving after this semester! The semester that ends TOMORROW!! Not after the fall 2007 semester like I thought she meant.

When she told me this, she jokingly said not to cry. But I was on the verge of it!! I just gave her a warm smile then looked away as tears actually did start to form in my eyes. I fought them off however.

I won’t see her near as often as I have or would like to. But I guess it’s good for her. She’ll be going to the college she actually should have started at, and she’ll get away from AP and AG and their friends (they’re driving her insane). I hope she’s not wanting to get away from me, too. That, thankfully, doesn’t seem to be the case though.

I really will miss N. Words can’t describe how much I’ll miss her. She’s always been there to give me a word of encouragement or knock some reality back into me when I talk about doing crazy shit. I’ll definitely have to visit her after she moves especially since she’s moving in with my other best friend from high school, NH. N and NH were like sisters in high school; I was like their brother. We just had a happy little family going on!

I’ll have to take N up on that offer for her to bring me out to the movies after she gets all moved in next semester. She always goes to see the good movies, not just the chick-flicks. That’s my kind of girl! Plus, she loves to travel, sit and talk, just take a stroll, ride roller coasters, drive cars, stay up late, have fun, and talk shit. If only I was straight, my dream girl would be sitting right in front of me! But I’m not, so she just has to settle with being the greatest friend ever.

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