Monday, October 16, 2006


I wanted to clear up some things about myself that may have been accidentally implied on here or that some people might take as being one thing when it’s really another… or something like that.

I’m not a gothic, emo (I just learned what that was from watching MTV the other day – the one time I actually watch that materialistic, teeny-bopper, simulated-drama channel I actually learn something… I never would have guessed that would have happened) or anything like that. I don’t do any of that stuff and never have. I’m just shy… and painfully so. I’m not the type to bash the “popular kids” just because they’re popular and/or perky nor do I hold some awful outlook on life or others. I could be popular if my ass wasn’t so damn shy (I was actually fairly popular in high school though)! But, I’m working on that! I swear!! It’s just a long process. Give me some time (or at least through the end of this semester)! Besides, black is like so not my color anyway (that was almost too gay for me to even type).

Contrary to how it may seem, the guy in my history class does not consume my entire life (I wouldn’t mind if he would consume my entire life though). In fact, I went almost a whole week without thinking about him – I had even forgotten his name. I do still have a crush on him though. I can’t deny that. And after seeing him today, it’s hard to doubt that he’s gay. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO FUCKING SHY??? (And for all you people who think all I have to do is simply go up to him and talk to him – it ain’t that simple, being shy is not that simple.)

I’m not a bitch all the time. I’m really not. I just have my days like everyone else. Plus, this blog is my venting device since I have no one to vent to (everyone always vents to me though), so everything comes out here in a slightly more bitchy tone than it normally would in real life. I’m actually a pretty nice guy in real life… just don’t piss me off (I’ll kick your ass with my ninja skills).

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