Saturday, January 20, 2007

A Look In The Trash Can

You wouldn’t believe the number of things I’ve typed fully intending to post them, but I never did for one reason or another. Last night (actually early yesterday morning) I typed two posts. One got posted at 1:43am but later deleted by me around 11am. The other was supposed to be posted after I got up in the morning, but I had a change of heart and it never made it up. I thought I would post both of them just to give you a glimpse of what was going on in my mind that night.

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[This is the first one I typed and actually posted. It was supposed to set the stage for the second one.]

Title: Depressed, Lonely And Confused

I guess I’m hitting my period again! LOL!

But seriously, the emotions are back. They come and go in waves. And sometimes they last an hour, other times they can last for days. Random things or sometimes seemingly nothing trips them.

I had a friend once tell me in a joking manner that she thought I had emotional problems, though I could tell she wasn’t completely joking. And maybe I do… hell, who am I kidding? I probably do!! These emotions are nothing new. I’ve had them for years now, but they’re only getting stronger as time goes on. I really should get some help before I actually do go crazy!

I’ve looked on my college’s website about their student counseling program. It’s free to all students, but they say if it’s something long-term or too serious they’ll refer you to someone else outside of the college. I’m thinking about setting up an appointment with one of the counselors after the new semester mayhem settles down. They might as well go ahead and refer me to someone though!

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[Here’s the second and more extreme one. Thoughts of closing the D-Tour came as I was typing this.]

Title: Off The D-Tour, Back On The Main Road

I think it’s time I take a break from the D-Tour and maybe the blogging world as a whole. Yes, this blog and others have helped me in so many ways – even in ways I probably don’t notice – and I’ve met some great people along the way too. But, something’s telling me to back off a little. Step back and leave for a while… how long, I don’t know. It may be a few days, a week, a month… I may never come back (doubtful, I love you guys too much!). Mainly, I just need to get away from the computer.

I probably won’t be checking many of your blogs like I normally would. I will still check my email and be on Yahoo and AIM from time to time, but there will probably be very few, if any, new posts from me on here. Feel free to chat though! I’m not trying to isolate myself from any of you… just easing back on the blogging and the time on the computer.

And who knows… this may not even last through the rest of today. I don’t know. I can guarantee you though that if anything really exciting happens (like I talk to tgimhc) I’ll quickly come running back to tell ya’ll! I can’t keep all that juicy stuff to myself, ya know!! =)

So with all that said, I hope you guys have fun and don’t think any of this is against you (it’s not). Talk to ya’ll later!

-The Sliest of Slies, SlyD

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So, there ya go. Me losing my mind. There is some truth to both of these though. I probably will go see a counselor at some point and I am cutting back on my time spent on the computer. Reading back over these, I was surprisingly level-headed and upbeat in them especially considering how shitty I felt that night. I guess I can fake it really good.


"Tommy" said...

If you feel the need to step back, then do so. Nothing wrong with that.

Life comes sometimes at a pace that we don't want or need. But you control who's in the driver's seat.

Take your foot off the pedal.

And coast for a lil while.

SlyD said...

It's all good now. I'm still going to post. I think not posting would hurt me more than keeping it going. It feels good to get stuff off my chest by putting it up on here. It's almost like therapy!