Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years And A New Computer

I haven’t really been in a writing mood lately. I’ve wanted to post something earlier but my fingers just couldn’t peck out anything that made any sense (including the mess of the 2006 reflection). I’m feeling better now though! =)

For New Years, I went with tradition. Every year since I can remember, everyone in my family would attend the New Years Celebration at our church. Basically, everyone eats then the kids go outside to shoot fireworks all night and the adults stay inside and play cards or other games. I love to play card games! I was raised on card games! Battle, Crazy Eights, Skip-Bo, Bullshit, 3-13, Rook! I play ‘em all and love every minute! Spoons was the name of the game that night! Nobody seems to be able to get enough of that game, myself included! The second I walked in the building that night about ten people were surrounding me asking if I brought enough cards for Spoons! In total, we probably played close to twenty times before midnight. We also played Chickfoot! Long, long game! But with the right people – and we had the right people – every second of it can be fun. Everybody was rolling the entire time! It was great!

Overall, New Years was a ton of fun!!

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And finally, I’m thinking about getting a laptop notebook computer. My desktop’s old and just able to kick the bucket. Plus, I need something that I can bring with me whenever I need to (and I’ve always wanted one too). I’m looking at this one. It’s kind of pricey but I don’t want to dump a lot of money on something that will get bogged down easily. Plus, the others I’ve looked at aren’t much cheaper and have a slower processor/less memory/smaller screen. So buck for buck, this seems like the best deal.

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