Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cold Weather

What is it about cold weather that’s so relaxing?

The crackling wood fire? The steaming cups of hot chocolate? The snuggling under the covers?

Ever since I’ve been young, I’ve loved cold weather. The colder, the better! But living in Louisiana, it never gets extremely cold. That’s probably a good thing though considering the one or two times a year the roads ice over people here freak out! Nobody seems to have the common sense to slow down and take it easy when it’s icy. We can all dodge the standing water on our pot hole-ridden roads, but ice confuses the hell out of us! Damn it’s all over the road – what do we do? Floor it!!

Enough with crazy Louisiana drivers (I include myself in that too!), I was a child fascinated by the cold. “Wow! It’s not hot out here!” Ok I wasn’t that stupid, but I always wanted to play out in the cold (I would love to say the snow but in my lifetime, it’s snowed maybe three times). My mom, of course, didn’t want me to go out and play. I remember one Christmas when I was maybe five or six I ran outside in 20-something degree weather in only my tighty-whiteys to see the icicles that had formed on the roof of our house! Who cared what Santa brought me, I wanted to see some icicles!! And when I was about nine, I had the chicken pox. I was out of school for a few days and my mom almost had to tie me up inside just to keep me from running out the door to play in the cold! I only itched a little bit – no reason to stop playing!!

Nowadays, I’m more content with staying inside around the heater and using my handy-dandy remote vehicle starter to warm up my car on those cold mornings to minimize my time out in the freezing air. I still enjoy a little frolicking out in the cold from time to time though.

But as I sit here and finish typing this, the fire is slowing dying down, the cup of hot chocolate is now cold, and there’s no one here to snuggle with tonight under the covers. Nothing new. Nothing new.

At least I’m relaxed… right?

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