Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Morning Sickness

This morning I woke up feeling like I had only half of the cylinders firing. I had gone to bed later than normal last night, plus I was around Tiff yesterday who is just now getting over a week’s worth of illnesses. I’m afraid I may be coming down with something too. Let’s hope not!

Looking and feeling like absolute shit, I thought as I was leaving the house about not going to the GSA meeting today on campus. Just hanging with the girls and doing nothing (or maybe sleeping) sounded a lot more fun to me. But I had been looking forward to the meeting for several weeks, so I decided to would go anyway. Inside though, I was actually wanting something to pop up and prevent me from going. I wasn’t in a good mood today, and I didn’t really want my first impression to be one of a crabby bitch.

I got my wish. As I was leaving my chemistry class, I saw AP (and she saw me so no turning and running away) sitting in one of the chairs in the hallway waiting for AG and S to finish their tests. I didn’t feel like brushing her off to go to the meeting. I needed someone to talk to anyway.

We ended up having a blast as we all crammed into S’s car and rode around town during common hour. Laughter always makes me feel better and we all did a lot of laughing!

As for GSA, there’s always next time. Two weeks.

-- -- -- -- --

As I was driving home, I noticed several of the old ladies in the community were out in their yards piddling around with this and that. Today is a bright, warm, and sunny day. Just the day to be doing that. Just the day my grandma would have loved. As I approached our house, I almost expected to see my grandma out working in her yard across the road. She’d throw her hand up with a big smile on her face as I pulled into our driveway. And I sometimes expect to see her standing at her screen door as I put my stuff in the car in the morning. As I leave, she’d crack the door and wave. But no one’s ever there now. No one in the yard. No one standing at the door. No waves. No smiles. It’s all gone except for the memories.


"Tommy" said...

Memories sometimes are the best..

Keep thinking of her.



Anonymous said...

And hang on to those memories... I have always said there is something SO SPECIAL about the relationshop between a gay man and his grandmother - they are just the best ones that we have...