Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oh! Mr. Madison

Saw this over on a ridiculous raw youth and couldn’t resist doing it too!

Maybe he was a little short, a little moody, a little sickly, but the man had a mind like a steel trap -- all the better for remembering anniversaries or your favorite pizza toppings or what song was playing the moment you first met. He was sensitive and brilliant, and you guys could have stayed up 'til 4 am just talking and talking and talking and never once gotten bored. Even better, he was totally laid back in his relationship -- his wife Dolley was the number one party girl of her time, and he totally let her be herself even though he was more into, well, politics. He was one of those stealth hotties -- the kind where first you're like "Madison? Yeah, he's cool. He's super interesting." Then eventually you're like, "I love that guy. He's my best friend." And then, one day you wake up and you love him to the depths of your soul and can't live without him.


Anonymous said...

Uh-oh. I feel another post coming on. :)

You could do a lot worse than Madison, you could be Buchanan or even ~ shudder ~ King George III.

Ryan said...

kinds looks cool i might try it. we are back from the races and back bloggin!

john said...

I think I should try that.