Sunday, April 01, 2007


I awake this morning to little bumps… blisters all over.

I have herpes.

But the blisters are on my lip and I’ve known about it my entire lifetime. I have herpes simplex. I usually get one or two cold sores a year… lucky me that I get one now. No kissing or other activities involving contact with the blisters *ahem* until it heals. I apparently inherited (or whatever) the pain in the ass (lip?) virus from my dad. Thanks dad!

It kinda freaked me out last night when I started to feel the tingle of the damn thing coming on. Had I gotten something from the bf? I was really freaked to see it this morning… easily the worst outbreak I’ve ever had. So I was nervousing all morning. I was near panicking. The bf was still asleep. No asking him about it. Then I realized that I already had the damn virus anyway and that the outbreak was merely a coincidence. After checking out what can cause them, I understand why it hit now.

Cold – Had a cough and sore throat for a week now

Fever – Not sure but I have felt very hot lately ;)

Stress – Check!

Exposure to sun – Check!

Menstruation – Ya never know!

No apparent reason – I bet that’s it!!

After consulting with the bf, he has never had them. He wasn’t happy to hear that we’ll have to hold off on a few things for a while. I wasn’t exactly excited to be telling him that either, but I don’t want him getting them… they suck! He understands though.

-- -- -- -- --

And now having a boyfriend in my life, opening the closet door is looking so tempting and actually much easier. The bf and I have talked (and joked) about it a lot in the short time we’ve been together. I have a safety net now with him and hanging with him would be so much simpler if I just told my parents. Plus, I want to show him off! I hate having to lie to them about it all. Like the bf said though, the thing my parents will probably get caught up on with us is that he’s 10 years older than me. I don’t have a problem with it (obviously) but they may. Then again, there is a six or seven year difference between my mom and dad. If age doesn’t trip them up, it’ll be that we met on the internet.


Mike said...

Something I can speak about... I get one. Just one. It used to pop up on one spot on my upper (left side) lip, and I've been getting it there for a number of years. In fact, I have a scar from it forming in the same place each time. It has migrated, though. Over to my right nostril.

Abreva really does work, and worth the $15.

A Lewis said...

I can't believe you're even saying the phrase "bf"......I never thought that would happen! Tee hee

My adventures said...

wow!! hope it works out for you!!

SlyD said...

Dude Lewis I can't believe it either!!! I'm still on cloud 9!!

And Mikell honey, Abreva has become my best friend, very expensive best friend! I only paid $12 at Walmart (with a dollar off coupon from their website) for that tiny little tube but you're right it's worth it. I usually have them in that spot too.

Thanks David!

Anonymous said...

It's a good sign that the (new) bf is willing to deal with the herpes.

Re: coming out. I think you will consider all the angles and do what will be best for you. I can understand why your parents might be most freaked out over the fact that you met the bf over the internet.

Best wishes

Red Seven said...

OK, your dad gave you herpes. You no longer have to explain anything to them, be it gayness or an age difference or the fact that you met on the internet. You, my friend, get a FREE F#@KIN' PASS.

Because I said so.

hitome said...

I think I can provide some more information about HERPES: Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV -1) and type 2 (HSV-2). Most individuals have no or only minimal signs or symptoms from HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection. When signs do occur, they typically appear as one or more blisters on or around the genitals or rectum. More informaiton you can get or you can start new dating with STD:

Luanne said...

No apparent reason – I bet that’s it!!

LOL - dang, I can so relate. I enjoyed reading your post.

Herpes is "JUST" a Virus to Me