Saturday, April 14, 2007

And The Dust Settles

So it was late Wednesday night … about 10:30. I got this burning in my gut that now was the time. I started in my room and slowly made my way to my parents’ room. I mean slowly as in it took me over 30 minutes to get there… normally it’s done within about 15 seconds. I stood just outside their bedroom door as snores rang out in their room… yes, they were asleep. I woke them up to tell them. Crazy? Just a little. ;)

I knocked on the open door to wake them up. They didn’t know what the fuck was going on. I walked over to the dresser near the foot of their bed and leaned against it to face them as they fiddled around turning the light on. There was no turning back now.

The words came out so easily. It was strange. Their initial reaction was of course shock… I did just wake them up to drop a bombshell on them. Then the floodgates opened. I told them about the bf and the lies I had used to cover up what I was doing. That he was 30. That we met on the internet. Everything came out… and it felt great but horrible all at the same time.

The “what you’re doing is wrong” shit followed and continued almost nonstop until my mom busted out with a prayer and I told them I was going to bed. No one slept much that night.

I was instructed to called the bf the next morning and tell him that we could have no contact for at least a week. What did I do? I called him on my way to class Thursday morning and told him. I also told him that wasn’t going to happen. We’ve talked at least once everyday since we met… that wasn’t about to stop. But the bf said that if we weren’t going to be about to see each other for a long time that it’s basically over. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. He said he was willing to wait maybe a month but he couldn’t wait forever. I hung up the phone and cried the rest of the way to class.

Thursday evening brought about a long, thick black mark at our driveway. That always makes me feel better! It’s still there too even after a large rain last night! =) Oh yeah and there was a lot of talking… too much talking for me but it seemed to help them. I was sick of talking about it, hearing about it, thinking about it!! My parents wanted me to change and couldn’t understand that I didn’t want to change and probably couldn’t even if I wanted to. They used several bully tactics to try and persuade me to change – take away the car (which I’m paying for), cell phone (which I’m paying for), computer, etc. Nothing was off limits from their “we’ll take it away” scheme. But, it didn’t work. I wasn’t about to leave the bf just because they wanted me to and thought it was all wrong.

They called the preacher to come down and meet with us. In my mind, I was rolling my eyes. Luckily, our preacher isn’t of the beat-you-over-the-head-with-a-Bible variety. He was actually really good about it. Then my parents suggested that just the preacher and I meet. Ok?! They decided to prance off to my grandparents to tell them about me (they’ve been telling almost everyone they meet I think) while the preacher and I talked at our house. I know what they were wanting to happen – the preacher lay it on me hard and make me want to change. That ain’t what happened. To show how cool our preacher can be, he simply asked if there was anything I wanted to tell him that I didn’t feel comfortable saying around my parents and that it would just stay between us. How cool is that? We talked for a short while then he said that he really admired me for having the courage to do this. I was sort of nervous about how it would all go down with the preacher coming to meet with us, but it turned out much better than I expected.

Once the preacher left, I was all alone. Call the bf!! We talked about it all until I thought I heard my parents pulling into the driveway. It wasn’t actually them but they did come home shortly after. The rest of the night was quiet… halleluiah!

Friday was a tense day. It was just my dad and I at home until about 4 in the evening when my mom got in from work. Not much was said during the day. Then, all hell broke loose. My mom was crying. My dad was bitching about everything and making smart-ass remarks. And I was about to punch somebody. My dad told me that he almost shot me that morning. Yes, like with a gun. That scared the living shit of out me! He said he thought about shooting me in the ass to make me slowly die then shooting himself. When I was fixing my breakfast Friday morning, I heard a gun click but for some reason I thought nothing of it. Before I walked into the living room where he had been sitting, he went to his bedroom and put the gun up. He said me loved me and my mom too much to do that.

I. Was. Speechless.

Everyone else got up and left the room. I just sat there for a second. So I came that close to getting shot… by my own father? I got up and headed out to the steps on our back porch. This is always my place to think. My mom came out after a few minutes and sat in one of the chairs on the porch. I didn’t even look at her. She started crying more and in a child-like whining voice pleading with me to change… the same old, same old. I was at the edge of my breaking point. I almost lost it (as in rage), but I kept myself together and didn’t make a move. She left after a while, seeing that it was a losing battle.

I went back inside and fell into the recliner in front of the TV. The History Channel was on – my baby’s favorite channel. Slowly, my parents filed into the room. Things had changed. My dad had cracked. The near shooting and being able to tell me about it clearly changed something in him. He was different. He was making jokes about me having sex with the bf!! He asked me to forgive him for even thinking about shooting me. It scared me to hear him tell me about it, but I do forgive him. My mom quickly came around too seeing that my dad had warmed up to it somewhat. The tension disappeared. Suddenly, it was like things were back to normal. We were laughing again. We were smiling again. We were a family again. My dad even said that I could probably use my car to go see the bf if I promised not to lie about where I was going. What’s there to lie about now??

Things are looking up. I know this has been so hard on them. I’ve apologized to them countless times for how much heartache I’ve caused them (I don’t know if they noticed or not but I never apologized for being gay… nothing to apologize for). Things are winding down though. A lot has happened in the last few days. My head is still spinning! But the storms has passed. Today almost nothing was said about it, but the bf did call me when my parents were home. Usually he texts me to see if I can talk or I don’t answer and call him back when I can. I just answered it this time and headed outside to talk. They knew who it was but never asked about it. Little bits of progress…

PS: I’m sorry for not checking anyone’s blogs for the last three weeks or so. There’s really no excuse, I just haven’t taken the time.


Mike said...

It sounds like the storm has passed, somewhat. I'm glad for that.

My adventures said...

wow, flashback, 27 years!!!... i still think my dad wants to shoot me though!!!

john said...

Wow buddy, you are brave.
The only thing that bothered me about this story is the fact that your boyfriend said he wouldn't wait.
I don't think I'll every be brave enough to tell my parents. I've told one cousin since you and I have last chatted with each other--that's it though. Nothing spectacular.

Anonymous said...

I am somewhat relived to read that the mood has changed. From my perspective it is making sense. I do not know how much you know about the grief process, but your parents are grieving. Their "son" has died and they reacted in anger, in deal making, etc. - with the good news that they are moving toward acceptance. They have their real son back although he is a different man.

I applaud you for your courage and for your tenacity, D! - for standing your ground, for apologizing for the lies and the heartache, but not for being gay. Kudos!

I am heartened by what your told me was the reaction of your pastor. He seems like a pretty good guy who may not agree with you (us), but whose pastoral concern will be one to bring you and your parents to reconciliation.

The one who comes out suspect in all this is the bf.

But now is the time for quiet celebration for you. You are out. You are free to be who you are and to claim your future.

My best wishes go out to you!

Brad said...

I'm with John and Lemuel. Your boyfriend informing you that he wouldn't wait, while you're in full crisis mode, is troubling.

Of course your dad wanting to shoot you, and have you suffer, and then quickly end his own life, is an incredibly selfish action.

He apologized, I know, and he's your dad, but I'd keep one open when I slept at night.

Congratulations on coming out, though! Does your brother know?

SlyD said...

Thanks guys! My brother does know. My mom told him Thursday. We haven't talked about it though.

As for the bf, maybe my wording wasn't the best. He said he would always be there for me, but if all of this took a year or so to blow over and we couldn't see or talk to each other during that time, we basically wouldn't have a real relationship and he probably wouldn't be sticking around. I understand where he was coming from by saying that. Luckily, it appears that won't be happening! =)

A Bear in the Woods said...

Congratulations! That took courage. I'm sure that your relationship with your family will be better for it, in the long run.
What Lemuel says has real wisdom. I'm glad your pastor was cool about it, too.

Sorted Lives said...

WOW!! What an incredible story. I am glad things worked out for you. Your life will take you places you never knew existed!

A Lewis said...

Hey SlyD, wow.....I disappear on a little vacation and you come out? Oh my god. I'm right there with you, my friend. In fact, today April 17, is my 10th anniversary of coming out. Oh yea, I've been down the "let's call the preacher" trail. Things will settle. But it will definitely take some time. Patience, my friend....patience. Please stay in touch. I'm here for you.

"Tommy" said...

well sounds like everything is ok for the time being.

hope it stays that way

and now what about the brother...what was his reaction and was there any support from him.

hugs suga


Cincy Diva said...

I am so glad things are looking up. It took my folks 9 years to adjust and they did it only after my only sister came out also!
I am with everyone else about the BF. If he loves you, he should have been a bit more supportive. You might want to re-evaluate him while you are thinking on your changing life. Good Luck and Well done!
Huge Hugs